Course Code and Name: SEEM4610 Supply Chain Management | ||||||||||||||
Course Objectives: 1. Understand the role and fundamentals of supply chains. 2. Recognize basic problems encountered in supply chain management and tradeoffs involved in different decisions. 3. Acquire the analytical methodologies to address and solve problems in supply chain management. |
Course Outcomes: 1. Able to generate new ideas and apply relevant techniques to improve the performance of a supply chain. 2. Able to identify engineering problems degrading the supply chain efficiency and propose solutions for better management of inventory, demand, transportation, and distribution. 3. Able to design and optimize a supply chain appropriate for a particular product while achieving specified service/production targets and meeting realistic constraints. 4. Competent in communicating effectively the proposed solutions to different parties in the supply chain. 5. Skilled at utilizing IT tools to analyze and implement solution methods, for example spreadsheet tools for implementing demand forecasting methods. 6. Able to introduce new concepts to management of a supply chain due to contemporary issues such as globalization; for example, outsourcing, coordination etc. | Programme Outcomes: (P1) The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering appropriate to the degree discipline (K/S) (P2) The ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (K/S) (P3) The ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability (K/S) (P4) The ability to function in multi-disciplinary teams (S/V) (P5) The ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (K/S) (P6) The understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (V) (P7) The ability to communicate effectively (S) (P8) The ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, especially the importance of health, safety and environmental considerations to both workers and the general public (V) (P9) The ability to recognize the need for, and to engage in life-long learning (V) (P10) The ability to stay abreast of contemporary issues (S/V) (P11) The ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice appropriate to the degree discipline (K/S) (P12) The ability to use the computer/IT tools relevant to the discipline along with an understanding of their processes and limitations (K/S/V) (P13) The ability to apply the skills relevant to the discipline of operations research and information technology and their applications in engineering and managerial decision making, especially in financial services, logistics and supply chain management, business information systems, and service engineering and management (K/S) K = Knowledge outcomes S = Skills outcomes V = Values and attitude outcomes |
Weights (in %): | ||||||||||||||
P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 | P7 | P8 | P9 | P10 | P11 | P12 | P13 | Other | Total |
10% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 25% | 100% | ||||||
Course Outcome(s) is/are measurable or not: Yes If Yes, please suggest ways to measure: This course contributes to (P1) by teaching mathematical methods to analyze and solve problems in supply chains and giving students practice in implementing the methods for representative problems. It could be measured by designing related questions and evaluating students solutions. (P3) by teaching various methods to analyze system designs in supply chains, such as inventory and transportation systems that conform to certain specifications such as service level. It could be measured by designing related questions and evaluating students solutions. (P4) by teaching the relations between the operations of different members (in multiple disciplines) in a supply chain and the explaining their effects on the supply chain performance. (P5) by teaching examples of situations where an engineering problem was identified, formulated and solved, and by assigning a similar task to students for practice. It could be measured by assigning case studies motivated from practical applications in industry and by evaluating students analysis. (P7) by giving students practice in explaining their proposed solutions and answering related questions. (P10) by exposing students to recent business articles motivated from real applications and giving students practice in identifying new strategies explained in the articles. (P12) by teaching and asking students to implement certain methodologies using IT tools. (P13) by teaching solution methods that draw upon Operations Research discipline such as optimization, and giving students practice in applying them. It could be measured by designing problems that require optimization or simulation and by evaluating students solutions. |