About Us
The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was established in the year 1991 (in the name of Department of Systems Engineering) as the first of its kind in tertiary educational institutions in Hong Kong. In August the same year, the Department was one of the 4 founding departments of the newly established Faculty of Engineering. In the past twenty seven years, the Department not only has made itself become a regional and internationally renowned academic program, but also has contributed significantly to the growth of the Faculty, by its vigorous pursuit in teaching, research and service.
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Contact Us
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
系 統 工 程 與 工 程 管 理 學 系
系 統 工 程 與 工 程 管 理 學 系
Room 609, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Email: dept@se.cuhk.edu.hk